By Home Well Designed Staff
Nothing against your bedroom, but it’s probably not your definition of paradise, even if it’s crazy-comfortable and you’re getting vacation-quality sleep on a Nectar mattress. What would make it even more amazing is if you could snap your fingers and—bam!—your bed magically lands in the location of your wildest lucid dream, like space (complete with you in astronaut gear)! Let’s explore an alternate reality where you rest your head in one of these pristine places.

1. Black Forest, Mountain Range, Germany
Imagine you just trekked five miles through the most fascinating foliage on earth. You’re ready for a bratwurst, a black lager beer, and a nap. What if one of the many wet rocks in this location where a Nectar mattress? You could take a five-star snack break and snooze—and you’d capture the moment with an unbelievable photo to convince yourself—and all of Instagram—it happened…without the help of Photoshop.

2. Liku Beach, Fiji
What’s better: The Fiji sand, the Fiji surf, or the Fiji water, which is SO much better than the Fiji bottled brand? Add a Nectar to this beachy equation, perched on an adjustable frame so you can see the waves, under a huge umbrella with a good book and a to-do list you burned in last night’s bonfire. Yep, that’s paradise.

3. Denali Peak, North America
There are few things that fill the spirit with a sense of wonder and possibility, than the majesty of snow-capped, purple mountains climbing out of the earth, stretching into the sky. Unfortunately, frostbite temperatures and not-meant-for-breathing altitudes make humans recoil and run for cover.
If you ever make it to the summit of Denali, think how much sweeter that moment could be if you and your handy oxygen tank could take in the beauty in a skeleton sleepsack on your Nectar memory foam mattress. Rest up, friends. It’s a loooong way down.

4. Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL
Nothing beats a warm summer night at the ballpark. But those “glorious” four hours of hot dogs, cold beers, and humidity are enough to wipe out even the most dedicated fans. Now imagine kicking back and relaxing on a Nectar for all nine innings (with air conditioning). Whether the Cubs win or lose, you still won.

5. Your Local Movie Theater
Even with Amazon Prime, Hulu, YouTube, and Netflix, there’s still an element of awe about seeing a movie on the big screen with surround sound and 3D in an ice cold dark room, surrounded by strangers. And even though some theaters have reclining lounge chairs, nothing can match the relaxation of a Nectar. If only we could merge the best of both worlds with reclining Nectar beds at a movie theater near you. We’ll start working on that as soon as we wake up!
Better sleep is a click away
Shop today and Nectar will include two memory foam pillows ($150 in value!!)